Does Your Company Need a Hiring Workshop?

In my career, I have seen countless companies overlook their recruiting and staffing sectors, either believing that investment in hiring is unimportant, or believing that average performance is enough to get by. Indeed, sometimes it is! This is typical in the small business world, where budgetary concerns often persuade executives to move resources away from recruitment.

And while that may work in certain job markets, it certainly won’t work in this one. We have entered an incredibly candidate-centric job market, and we simply won’t be able to attract the top-tier talent we need unless we have well-trained and well-staffed hiring departments with experienced, thoughtful, intelligent hiring managers who understand candidate communication and interview techniques. 

You would be shocked how often these things go overlooked. And after many years, this really degrades a company’s foundations and its continued ability to hire at a high-level.

That’s why I’ve begun offering a new service, this one aimed not at applicants but at employers. I believe that a company’s ability to interview and communicate with candidates directly positions themselves for competitiveness within the job market. So in offering my Comprehensive Hiring Program and Workshop, I will provide small businesses and hiring departments the tools to maximize their hiring ability and efficiency.

The Comprehensive Hiring Program was designed to save companies the hassle of holistically restructuring their hiring departments by instead training individual employees to a high level of hiring competence. In this program, I cover:

  • How to read a resume and look for “red flags”

  • How to prepare for an interview (from the client’s perspective)

  • How to build a list of questions that highlight your individual business sensibility

  • How to structure and optimize job descriptions

  • How to comprehensively organize interview slates and schedules

  • How to conduct internal candidate assessments

  • How to close interviews

  • How to perform reference checks

  • How to structure offer letters and prepare for possible negotiation

In my blogs, I’ve discussed many of these issues from the candidate’s side, and believe me, I’m not the only hiring coach doing so. Today’s employees are better read and more experienced than ever, and they have expectations about how they will be communicated with and the level of professionalism they will receive.

A weak staffing department is nothing to be ashamed of; it’s a commonplace problem in the job market and has many varying sources. Nevertheless, it’s a problem in real need of a solution. If you’re unsure how to evaluate your hiring department, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does my company have a dedicated recruitment resource?  

  • Is that person(s) trained in interviewing/assessment skills?  

  • Are candidate resumes vetted fairly?   

  • Is candidate feedback given in a timely fashion?   

  • Is my company able to recruit and hire the talent that is best suited for us?

If the answer to any or all of these questions is no, then it’s time to consider putting extra resources and effort into your hiring processes. An experienced and observant hiring specialist can help identify and address your issues. Fortunately, you’re reading an experienced and observant hiring specialist’s words right now.

Make sure you prioritize your applicant experience. Make sure your company is well-positioned in this employee-centric job market. Make sure your hiring practices provide your company the best opportunity to attract, hire, and retain top-tier talent. Applicants will notice. And you’ll develop a positive and far-reaching reputation.

Reach out to me, Nancy, today on LinkedIn or at if interested in my Comprehensive Hiring Program, or if you have any other hiring questions you’d like to discuss!


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